Last week I was granted with the great news!! now I am part of this awesome project called Google Summer of Code. First of all, I would like to thanks to everyone who accepted my words on my proposal and conceived me this chance. By now on, every week on Monday or Tuesday I will be updating this blog with a new post containing some important features:

  • Status: What (maybe a issue) I am currently working on;
  • A abstract for what I’ve done until now, considering the last meetings and all;
  • Last but not any less important, my next steps for the week.

The post may also contain the code i’ve been looking, changing (working) and some other minor changes made by myself, and some sources I read or even about my experience until now. And this is the first scheme for the next posts.

Again I would like to thanks every who may concern for this opportunity, and will try to give my best to fulfil these big expectation !!!

So lets Begin:

  1. Status:: I created a new PR on conda-forge/cf-graph-countyfair with the update_versions function (with some alterations) to restart the work and walk forward, as also discarded the update concerning the DynamoDB feature cause we are giving it a time (for now); the new PR (and discussion) can be found here #PR;

  2. Abstract:: For this week (10 – 16 May) I was finishing some other tasks not associated to GSoC (unfortunately this pandemic affected us in many different forms) to have all the time to concentrate on the program for the next months, also I had my first meeting with my mentors and the core-members of conda-forge to introduce myself and know more about the current work distribution and some features (cause the project is really big at all). But it was verry excting to know every one, and how they are very receptive for doubts and conscers (but still I am too naive, so in the most part I was just listening – but soon I will get it !!);

  3. Next Steps:: For this week, I am waiting the next procedures about my last PR and what I can do as also expecting to take some new information on the next meeting this week, until there I am looking on the recent documentations of conda-forge as also the admin-bots that maintain avery update.

P.s:: Probably tomorrow after the meeting I will be adding a new post with more information regarding the next steps as alos the reading I’ve done so far.