1. Status:: New commits regarding the updates on update_versions functiona and some research about logging and networkx packages. I also create an repository called ts-graph to test directly the function using Circle CI (what comes to be an excellent tool, it awesome!). This updates can be found here #Cm as also the research will be available soon on another post;

  2. Abstract:: The big new implementations on update function aims its communication with the bot structure (following the old one). Basically there are two new updates:

    1. Separated the packages sources from the main script, as corrected the missing packages for this migration;
    2. The other change, was the action of a main function that call your update process:
def main(args: Any = None) -> None:
      logger.info("cft :: conda_forge_tick")
        setup_logger(logger, level="debug")
      logger.info("Reading graph")
      # Graph enabled for inspection
      gx = load_graph()
      # call update
      to_update = new_update_upstream_versions(gx)
      logger.info("writing out file")
      with open("new_version.json", "w") as outfile:
        json.dump(to_update, outfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Here we can see some new features, a DEBUG option for logger, the load_graph function now has its own place together with the JSON expected output.

This Tuesday we had a new meeting regarding this last updated and the postpone of DynamoDB migration (at least for this process). I will commit some others minor alteration and wait for validation. Localy it’s working fine, so some tests will be made remotely together with our main bot porcess.

  1. Next Steps:: If everythong goes well on the remote fase test, I will try to upgrade the output structure to be a little more organic and easier to manipulate. And try to figure out some solutions for errors like this:
     Warning: Error getting upstream version of ostaphep: InvalidVersionSpec: Invalid version '1.4.8%2C6': invalid character(s)
     Warning: Error getting upstream version of pyflame: AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'")