Let’s start.

  1. Status :: Waiting for merge the new updates and bug removal for new_update_upstream_version (see p1049). Also working on the old issues i200 and i321 of conda-forge auto-tick-bot.

  2. Abstract ::During the week we had some problems relating the dump.json process of p1027 and some unused statements that was solved by a bug PR update p1049, we can see at this CircleCi test. As the sequential form of the update_upstream_version took so much time to complete the respective jobs started to stack at our CircleCi workflow. Them as the new version folder was successfully deployed at cf-graph-countyfair we stopped the run usage of the new code to merge the pool version, as explained at the last weak post. After the update pool versions is merged and successfully working with Circle I can attend to merge some alteration to make graph to insert the new versions/node.json files to the graph, currently it’s also outdated for the new updates
     def update_nodes_with_new_versions(gx):
    """Updates every node with it's new version (when available)"""
        with open('new_version.json') as file:
            ver_attrs = json.load(file)
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        logger.debug(f'Process interrupted with exeption: {e}')
    # Update graph according to ver_attrs
    for node, vertrs in ver_attrs.items():
        with gx.nodes[f'{node}']['payload'] as attrs:
            if vertrs["bad"]:
                attrs["bad"] = vertrs.get("bad")
            elif vertrs["archived"]:
                attrs["archived"] = vertrs.get("archived")
            # Update with new information
            attrs["new_version"] = vertrs.get("new_version")
            attrs["new_version_attempts"] = vertrs.get("new_version_attempts")
            attrs["new_version_errors"] = vertrs.get("new_version_errors")

    So I have to insert an open('versions/node.json') entry to load every new version and bad object to graph. Now we have to wait to merge the new alterations I started to work on some old issues of cf-scripts as i200. One of them uses some alterations at our migration phase, so during the next week meeting I will ask of some revisions, merge the alterations and talk about the migrations and the issues solve ideas.

  3. Next Steps ::Wait for merged alteration and discuss about the i200, i321 issues. The i200 issue is the most interesting one that a want to attend right now, I’ve already created an routine for that ```python import json import subprocess import logging import tqdm import networkx as nx from .utils import load_graph, executor

conda-forge logger

logger = logging.getLogger(“conda-forge-tick._bad_issues_request”)

prepare subprocess run command

def hub_create_issue(name: str, maintainer: any, bad_str: any) -> None: # TODO: maybe add a way to create the issue at the feedstock page, not inside cf-scripts title = f”Bad feedstock error on Conda-forge ({name})” label1 = “conda-forge” label2 = “bad” body = ( “An bad error occurred when trying to update your feedstock information, “ “please check any possible alteration made.\n I the project was discontinued please let us know.\n” ) body += ( f”You are receiving this error as an attempt to solve the current bad behavior “ f”with the actual version of your feedstock, the problem raised {bad_str} as exception “ f”for retrieving a new version, please look for further details at…” )

assignee = f"{maintainer}"
command = "gh issue create"
command += f'--title "{title}" --body "{body}" --label "{label1}" --label "{label2}" --assignee "{assignee}"'
    # try GitHub cli issue creation
except Exception as ee:

def hub(graph: nx.DiGraph) -> None: # Open the data file with feedstock bad relating information with open(“bad.json”) as file: # bad_data is a dict containing info regarding the Node feedstock and it’s bad status bad_data = json.load(file)

_all_nodes = [t for t in graph.nodes.items()]
revision = []
for node, node_attrs in _all_nodes:
    with node_attrs["payload"] as attrs:
        if node in bad_data:
            revision.append((node, attrs))

with executor(kind="dask", max_workers=20) as pool:
    for node, node_attrs in tqdm.tqdm(revision):
        with node_attrs["payload"]["extra"] as attrs_extra:
            # TODO: This will not work, we need to send a new issue for every maintainers not stack them
            # get maintainers list
            maintainers = attrs_extra.get("recipe-maintainers")

            # get bad occurrence
            bad = bad_data[f"{node}"]
            pool.submit(hub_create_issue, node, maintainers, bad)

if name == “main”: # load graph gx = load_graph()

# load feedstock info and try issue request
except Exception as e:
    pass  ```