Greatly all the updates and code for the update versions processes were merged and they are working explicitly fine, as also providing new ways to implement new features in the future. As an extra work, I am trying to implement a Profiler class to inspect the memory leaks and errors occuring in the code, as well as an opportunity to further optimize the process Profiler.

As the final phase of the Google Summer of Code programm, I’ve completed my final work submission, and in the meantime working to fix some other issues of conda-forge. In the future I expect to continue improving the bot structure and participating with this incredible and reliable community.

Some of the issues and problems I am concerned include:

  • Track possible instance errors during the CI process #1;
  • Switch JSON to RapidJSON as form to optimize the bot calls 2#;
  • Limit the number of old profiler files currently been saved 3#.

I’ve enjoyed working with the team bot, and the very explanative meetings that revealed so much knowledge and improvements for myself. I appreciate very much having this opportunity to participate in the Google Summer of Code project for 2020, and I am looking forward to continuing working with this exceptional community even further.